Bank(er)’s Holiday is Over


Bank President at the track.

Banker (Bank President) is doing great. His last day of stall rest is today so tomorrow he gets to go out and on Sunday I am going to get on him for the first time.The vet cleared him to start walking and trotting slowly. He still won’t start really retraining until February. He had his first massage which went very well, he was sore. I am so excited that he is getting better and that I will be able to sit on him soon. Even with the stall rest he has been mostly quiet and easy to deal with. He is very sweet and is putting on some weight. I will get you a picture on Sunday of our first ride!!!


Bank President had a sore suspensory  and his owner wanted to find a home that could rehab him and help him start a new career. Amy Atkins was not worried about the soft tissue injury as she had rehabbed many horses. An ultra-sound showed that “Bankers” suspensory injury was not serious and he just needed some time off and a chance to be a horse again. Thank you Amy for helping a less than perfect horse to become whole again. We look forward to lots of  horse show Success Stories!