Cantering with Confidence

Atlantic Ridge and new mom Salisa

I am cantering again! I have really created a bond with Ridge, and together we are really doing well! He has been a very good boy. I have my confidence back, and am feeling comfortable enough to canter again.

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Muchu Cold, Muchu Good

Muchu and Patrick in November 2011

Muchu (aka “Shu”) and Patrick have settled in together beyond my wildest dreams. At this point in time “Shu” has been off the track only 8 months and my son has only been riding the same 8 months, yet they are seamless in their bond. There have been periods when the girls have not been able to go out for a week at a time due to weather, and despite pent up energy, “Shu” always takes care of him the minute he puts his foot in the stirrup.

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Nothing Special . . . Yeah Right!

Great Game and Chuck Dixon

I worry and don’t want to let her down by not doing stuff right and maybe mess her up and not justify the trust you and Dr Duffy put in me with her–but……… the end of the day—the single only thing that really really matters….is how much she and I are into each other…how much we give and do for each other . . .

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Two’s Company

Now there have been times when Carrie and I have had discussions and there comes a look in her eye—one more word and I know my life is forfeit—Game had that look . . .

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